The Idea of Will of liberty and State Formation: An objective Study. ارادہ آزادی کا فلسفہ اور تخلیق ریاست:ایک معروضی مطالعہ

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Dr. Muhammad Ali Junaid


Mostly we see in political Science Textual and Philosophical books, in which it has been stated that there are four components on which any state is Consist on, Area, Population, Government, and sovereignty etc . but Author in his Several Writing Generally and Especially in this Article Focused that, the most important component that contributes to the formation of any state is the will of Freedom or will to liberty, it is pre-condition Component on which any state is crafted, and this precondition is established when people living in any area show their collective will to form an Independent state under the free independent Government Chosen by themselves, this study investigate this pre-state craft peoples will in the light of Historical and Philosophical reasoning.

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How to Cite
Junaid , D. M. A. (2024). The Idea of Will of liberty and State Formation: An objective Study.: ارادہ آزادی کا فلسفہ اور تخلیق ریاست:ایک معروضی مطالعہ. JOURNAL OF LAW, SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 3(2), 1–9. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Dr. Muhammad Ali Junaid , Ph.D. Scholars, Department of Political Science, University of Karachi