Violation of Palestinian Prisoner’s rights by Israel

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For many years, the issue of Palestinian detainees was one of the main sticking points in talks between Israel and the Palestinians over a possible peace agreement. Since the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in 1967, Israeli authorities have imprisoned around one million Palestinians. It has consistently and unlawfully denied these Palestinian detainees their most basic HR, which are outlined in UN charters. According to Palestinians, the region won't experience peace until Israel is willing to confront it illegal activities and violations of HR, particularly those involving Palestinian political detainees, and finally adhere to its promise to free all of these prisoners. This article looks at the general rules and regulations pertaining to prisoners' HR and emphasizes how Israel is violating these rules.

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How to Cite
IJAZ , D. S. (2022). Violation of Palestinian Prisoner’s rights by Israel. JOURNAL OF LAW, SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 1(1), 01–08. Retrieved from
Author Biography

DR. SABIR IJAZ , Assistant Professor (visiting) Department of International Relations National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Karachi Campus