Evolution of advertisement in pak, an elucidatory and historical study پاکستان میں اشتہارات کا ارتقاءایک تاریخی اور وضاحتی مطالعہ
Main Article Content
This research article explores the history and development of advertising in Pakistan, shedding light on its evolution, key milestones, and the profound impact it has had on the country's socio-cultural landscape. By examining the various phases of advertising from its inception to the 2000, this study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how advertising has shaped consumer behavior, influenced popular culture, and contributed to economic growth. Extensive research, including primary and secondary sources, and industry reports, was conducted to gather information and insights for this article.
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How to Cite
Ahmed , S., & Iqbal, D. N. (2023). Evolution of advertisement in pak, an elucidatory and historical study: پاکستان میں اشتہارات کا ارتقاءایک تاریخی اور وضاحتی مطالعہ . JOURNAL OF LAW, SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 2(2), 14–20. Retrieved from https://jlsms.org/index.php/jlsms/article/view/43